Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First Short Film in Hong Kong

I went out with my miniDV camera this afternoon and took a walk through Wah Fu Estate.

There, I shot about 9 minutes of footage, which became this 40-second film koan.

Here is the world premiere of WAH FU ESTATE

I can't believe I was ablt to shoot and edit the whole thing in an afternoon.

On top of which, I got to practice a little Cantonese with a couple of the old guys who were out swimming.

Then, I went to the wet market at Wah Fu Estate and bought Korean lettuce and a bag of oranges. It seems I'm a regular there now and the merchants know me as "the Korean."

Of course, every time a HK person asks me in Cantonese, "what nation person are you?"

I answer "Korean person."

It's just easier to do that. There's less to explain.

Of course, when I do answer that, 9 times out of 10, the next thing they say is:

"Daaih Jang Gam!"

The guy who cuts up roasted duck at the Wah Fu restaurant even started humming the Daaih Jang Gam theme song for me.

I know they say that in Japan, WINTER BALLAD is the premier Korean soap opera, and in fact, when So Jene and I went there a few months ago, we did see many stores selling fans with photos of Yonsama aka Bae Yong Joon on them.

But, here in HK, the premiere Korean TV drama is DAAIH JANG GAM!!

Anyway, enjoy.

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